Saturday, August 31, 2019

Communication Strategies for Leaders Essay

A leader must be able to communicate effectively. When asked to define leadership, theorists and practitioners alike frequently use the words â€Å"influence,† â€Å"inspire† and â€Å"transform,† all of which depend on communication, verbal and nonverbal. Leaders lead through their words and actions. This text focuses on both, thus the emphasis throughout on emotional intelligence, the ability to understand the self and others (Barrett, 2011). Effective leadership communication requires the ability to anticipate to the potential interruptions in the transmission of the message, appreciate the context, understand the audience, select the right medium and craft a clear message that allows the meaning to reach the specific receiver as intended (Barrett, 2011). In my quest to achieve superior communication leadership skills I have had the opportunity to assess and evaluate my effectiveness in communication leadership. This personal assessment has indicated I must become more strategic as strategy is the foundation on which any effective communication depends on. Leaders must be able to analyze their audience in every situation and design a communication strategy that facilitates accomplishing their communication. Communication is critical to every organization and for any aspiring leader. I plan to be strategic in developing a plan to be a more effective communicator by reaching out to external constituents as that is an area for communication improvement. Overall, effective communication strategy depends on ones thinking and planning strategically understanding your audience, and structuring your communication for different situations, delivery methods, and audiences to ensure that you connect with your audience and deliver your intended message (Barrett, 2011). III. As a leader and manager in my organization I take pride in being an effective leader and communication. I have been at my non-profit organization for the past 6 years and have made significant improvement and learned to grow my communication skills. Owens (1998) mentions two key features of leadership which are: (1) the engagement of persons in a process that identifies them with goals, and (2) the potential to change the institutional environment (e.g. values, beliefs, etc.) by implementing diversity goals into the organizational culture. At the same time, I am a leader that promotes integrity to motivate ethical behavior across the entire organization. Also, it is important for me to create an open environment in which followers and employees feel free to speak up and come forward to me when any action needs to take place. Overall, I am always striving to be a better communicator in all situations as it teaches as I want to be recognized by others as a transformational leader. I consider my oral public speaking skills to be my major strength when communicating to internal colleagues at my organization. I am always poised to conduct presentations and participate in public speaking engagements. I always maintain a sense of confidence and take pride in my public speaking skills. At the same time, I feel much more comfortable in situations where I can communicate effectively with my team members and demonstrate my dynamic skills to engage them effectively. I tend to be a coach and a motivator among my employees. I use different means to get my employees to want to be better at their duties and take full ownership of their tasks and goals. I also have a lot of confidence in being able to utilize my skills in dealing with others feelings and communicating with them solutions to help them with their particular situation. I would consider my interpersonal communication skills with external relations as an area for improvement. I tend to be an extrovert when it comes to public speaking and very confidant with communicating with large audiences but I tend to be introverted when it comes to communication in smaller groups or individual communication with members of external organizations. Barrett (2011) suggests that selecting the right spokesperson to deliver external messages can be almost as critical as the message themselves. I need to work on this part of my communication leadership by participating in more social and networking events to work on my confidence in communicating with external constituents. I also plan to travel more with my executive leadership team and attend meetings and events to get a better understanding of how to communicate more effectively in my external communication. Improvement Goal Effective leadership communication requires the ability to anticipate to the potential interruptions in the transmission of the message, appreciate the context, understand the audience, select the right medium and craft a clear message that allows the meaning to reach the specific receiver as intended (Barrett, 2011). I always maintain a sense of confidence and take pride in my public speaking skills. At the same time, I feel much more comfortable in situations where I can communicate effectively with my team members and demonstrate my dynamic skills to engage them effectively which include motivating and coaching. I would consider my interpersonal communication skills with external relations as an area for improvement. I tend to be an extrovert when it comes to public speaking and very confidant with communicating with large audiences but I tend to be introverted when it comes to communication in smaller groups or individual communication with members of external organizations. I have action steps in place to help me in my leadership development which include attending more external corporate events and meetings with the executive team. Solicit feedback from executive team members concerning areas for improvement and change any behavior based on feedback. Also, I plan to participate in more networking events with external constituents. References Aamodt, M. (2013). Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An applied approach. Seventh edition. Cox et. al (2007). Evaluating organizational-level work stress interventions: Beyond tradition methods. Work & Stress, 21, 348-362. Ebbers, L., Conover, K., Samuels, A. (2010). Leading from the middle: preparing leaders for new roles. New directions for Community Colleges.Wiley Periodicals. Frese, M (2009). The changing nature of work. In N. Chmiel (Ed.) An introduction to work and organizational psychology (2nd ed., pp. 397-413). Oxford: Blackwell publishing. Lawler, E.E. (2001). Organizing for high performance. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Owens, Robert. (1998). Organizational Behavior in Education (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Communication Skills

Communication is a valuable art and an individual's effectiveness as a leader, co-worker or friend will depend on their interpersonal and communication skills. Without a doubt, communication skills are not a simple formula; however, it is not impossible for people to communicate effectively and respectfully. A person can stand in a corner without saying one word; yet, with one simple kick or facial expression, they can communicate. A key to having an effective communication skill is by having good listening skills.The four stages of the listening process are simple to remember, (1) attending, (2) interpreting, (3) responding, and (4) remembering. (Dobbin and Pace, peg. 1 17) The listening process begins when e actively select, or attend to, stimuli in our environment. (Dobbin and pace, peg. 11 7) Many things can affect the way one can perceive his/her communication skills to others. A person must have a clear and pleasant tone in his/her voice in order to appeal to the listeners. Hav ing good listening skills makes the speaker feel admirable, appreciated and respected.When a person listens, they encourage the skill in others by acting as a model for positive and effective communication. In order to develop effective listening skills one should: 1. Minimize all external and internal distractions 2. Focus on what the speaker is saying . Keep an open mind in order not to make assumptions According to the Washington Times: â€Å"More often than one might think, listening has to happen before speaking can begin. This is especially true for babies. During their first few months, they hear the sounds around them.Over time, they learn to distinguish these sounds as part of figuring out who and what are worth dealing with in their immediate environment. A baby's effort to learn the difference between hearing and listening requires a rudimentary form of reasoning or thinking. Most babies discover they have to listen a lot before they can start talking. † (Washingto n's. Mom) Babies will then learn that by listening then responding, they will get a chance to speak. By developing good listening skills we learn to understand and obtain information.Some children are naturally attentive while others may need to focus on their skills. As a parent, we can help children to be better listeners by engaging into conversations with them or by playing games that my help them become better listeners. Effective listening skills are essential in many areas of life; such as, school, friendship and a career. It is vital to begin developing good listening skills during childhood so that a person can make a unconscious effort in engaging into a productive conversation. Listening effectively is an acquired skill. Communication Skills Communication Skills ï » ¿Communication Skills Aims This resource has been compiled to give a general introduction to effective communication for practice educators. The key components of the communication process will be discussed. The basic skills required for effective communication will be explored in the next few sections, and some specific contexts for communication, including giving presentations and feedback meetings, will be examined.Learning Objectives On completion of this resource, you should be able to: †¢ Identify the key components of the communication process. †¢ Identify some typical problems that can arise in the communication process and demonstrate knowledge of skills to overcome these. †¢ Demonstrate increased awareness of forms of communication and social behaviour. †¢ Identify and use strategies for managing specific contexts for communication, including giving presentations.Introduction As we progress through our careers in the health or social care environment, the sorts of skills that are critical to our success can change and evolve. Many of us are first responsible for performing specific practical tasks, linked to our developing knowledge base. Our effectiveness centres upon our actions and our growing expertise at performing these. Proficiency at such tasks is often the initial focus.However, as we continue to progress, it is likely that success will depend more and more upon our interpersonal skills and our ability to develop effective working relationships with key others. Jobs that include a managerial, supervisory or a mentoring role can involve complex relationships with people. Demands can be made that are sometimes conflicting and ambiguous. A practice educator’s job can involve reconciling and managing these demands. Not surprisingly, interpersonal and communication skills often rank among the most critical for work related success.In its most straightforward sense, effective communication may be  understood as occurring when the intended me aning of the sender and perceived meaning of the receiver are the same. Yet the level of skill required for effective communication to occur, belies the simplicity of this definition. After examining studies involving hundreds of large organisations, Goleman (1997) concluded that a high level of individual success at work was characterised by ‘emotional intelligence’, or skills of social awareness and communication. Typically, these included the ability to motivate and influence others, to give honest feedback sensitively, to empathise and develop relationships, to monitor ones own behaviour, to handle emotions both of self and others and to read interpersonal situations and organisational politics.However it is important to note that emotional intelligence, or the skills of social awareness and communication, can be developed and honed. This resource aims to give a basic introduction to the area of effective communication and will seek to increase your awareness of for ms of communication, communication skills and social or interpersonal behaviour therein. Communication (from Latin commÃ… «nicÄ re, meaning â€Å"to share†) is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more living creatures.One definition of communication is â€Å"any act by which one person gives to or receives from person information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or non-linguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes.†Communication requires a sender, a message, and a recipient, although the receiver doesn't have to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communi cation can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver understands the sender's message. Communicating with others involves three primary steps:Thought: First, information exists in the mind of the sender. This can be a concept, idea, information, or feelings. Encoding: Next, a message is sent to a receiver in words or other symbols. Decoding: Lastly, the receiver translates the words or symbols into a concept or information that a person can understand. There are a variety of verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. These include body language, eye contact, sign language, haptic communication,and chronemics. Other examples are media content such as pictures, graphics, sound, and writing.The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities also defines the communication to include the display of text, Braille, tactile communication, large print, accessible multimedia, as well as written and plain language, human-reader, augmentative and alternative modes, means and formats of communication, including accessible information and communication technology. Feedback is a critical component of effective communication.Communication Process The A first step in unravelling the complexity of interpersonal communication is to understand the basic process by which communication occurs. Only then can we identify where possible problems can arise and explore skills for enhancing communication and managing such breakdowns. Human beings are not passive, predictable objects who always interpret meanings and react as they are ‘supposed to’. Neither is communication a passive, predictable, one way event.Rather, communication can be viewed as an active process, influenced by all the complexities and ambiguities of human behaviour. It is also fraught with potential points of breakdown. As Clampitt notes, ‘We actively construct meanings within a unique vortex that includes the words used, the context of the utterances, and the people involved.’(2005, p.8)A more accurate way of looking at the process of communication is probably as a dynamic, circuitous process in which elements such as non-verbal behaviour and individual styles of interpreting and ascribing meaning to events have significant influence. Strategies such as constructing a clear, unambiguous message can encourage effective communication, but sotoo can seeking to understand meanings imposed by the listener via processes such as actively listening to feedback. 1. Sending The Message:Person 1 constructs and sends a message. Messages are the signals and symbols that we use to convey what we want to transmit. They can occur in various ways, including visual (non-verbal, written), auditory (verbal and sub-vocal speech), tactile (touch, bodily contact) and olfactory(perfumes, aftershaves) formats. In order to send the message, it must be encoded intowords, as well as tone, inflection, facial expression, and other non-verbal language.While skills such as clear thinking, concise expression of plain english, logical association of ideas and organised speech are important, especially to specific contexts such as giving presentations they do not ensure that effective communication will take place. The meaning of the message is not contained solely in the words, as factors such as non-verbal cues, the context and the people involved will heavily influence meaning. It is important to note that unintended as well as intended meanings may be communicated via non-verbal leakage.2.The Channel In Clampitt’s (2005) model, this refers to the means used to deliver messages and the related formats. Means used to communicate can include face to face, telephone, pager, written, radio and video communication. In face to face communication, which is most often preferred for communication of more importan t matters, communication occurs through visual, auditory and olfactory formats, while the tactile medium may or may not be used. Skilled communicators will choose the channel most appropriate to the specific goals sought at that time.3. Receiving the MessageFor effective communication to take place, the message must be accurately decoded and reconstructed by person2, from the signals received from person 1. However, even if the â€Å"encoding† is carried out very well; this in itself does not ensure that it will be â€Å"decoded† accurately. The meaning ascribed to the message may vary according to the person doing the interpreting, the context in which the message was given and the total information communicated.4. FeedbackPerson 2 responds to person 1, and this message is received by person 1 as feedback. Again, feedback comprises both the verbal and non-verbal messages  of others, and allows us to evaluate how the message has been understood and the response to it . Actively listening to feedback is a key skill in effective communication. We can also get feedback from our own responses through a process known as ‘self-monitoring’ (Hargie et al 2004).Self-monitoring involves staying aware of what we are saying and doing in social encounters and how this is impacting on others. This type of feedback can then be used to alter or adapt our behaviour in the light of the responses from others.People who are skilled communicators are high self-monitors, who continuously analyse and regulate their own behaviour according to the way in which the other person is responding. With feedback as with other forms of message, the information received must be interpreted by us. Therefore, the message is susceptible to the same possible misinterpretations and will be influenced by factors such as context and people involved.Meaning is not an inherent quality of the message, but is perceived or constructed in the mind of the recipient. In the above exercise, a message that would seem to have been intended by the practice educator as being genuinely positive was misinterpreted as negative by the student in the second situation. The important part of this communication at this point, is how the practice educator listens to this feedback, the meaning that s/he ascribes to it, and how it is subsequently responded to.5. ContextA significant point to note is that communication never occurs in a vacuum. Communication is inextricably linked to the particular context in which it occurs, which in turn has a major impact upon behaviour. 6. NoiseThe term ‘noise’ describes anything that can interfere with or distort the meaning of a message. Dickson (1999) has identified a number of such barriers or common sources of noise, which can affect communication accuracy and effectiveness. †¢ Psychological:These include the perceptual biases or stereotypes that can impact on how we interpret a particular person’s message. People respond to stimuli in the environment in very different ways. We each have shortcuts that we use to organize data. Invariably, these shortcuts introduce some biases into  communication. Stereotyping is an example of such a shortcut.†¢ Semantic:This is used to describe situations where language or cultural differences distort or interfere with the meaning of the message. Effective communication requires deciphering and understanding the basic values, motives, and assumptions of the other person. Given that dramatic differences exist across cultures in terms of approaches to time, space, and privacy; the opportunities for misinterpretation when we are in cross-cultural situations are plentiful.†¢ Environmental:This refers to a range of factors such as size of room, layout of furniture, intrusive noise, heating and lighting etc. Each of these can either encourage or inhibit interaction.†¢ Demographic: Factors such as gender and age can impact on the way in which a message is interpreted. For example, a male listener may nod his head to indicate to the speaker ‘I agree’, whereas a female listener may nod her head to communicate ‘I am listening’ (but not necessarily agreeing); so sending the same visible feedback but with different actual meanings.†¢ Disability: Physical or neurological impairment as well as psychiatric illness can call for alternative means to the usual patterns of communication to be adopted. Some examples include sight or hearing loss, and conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or severe depression.†¢ OrganisationalBarriers to effective communication can be located within the organisation or agency itself. Difficulties with established lines and means of communication, different relative physical location of staff, lack ok of team or supervision meetings organisation or agency itself.Characteristics of Effective Communication Even in today’s electronic age, effective inter personal communication skills are a key factor in your professional and personal success. 1.A Clear,Concise MessageNo one likes a rambler, so have your primary purpose in mind when you begin your communication. Simplify your thoughts, so you can present your point in a precise manner. Once you have made your first important point, move on to  the next.2.Understanding of the RecipientEffective communicators know who they are talking to, and they understand the style of communication will vary based on the recipient. For example, you probably talk to your co-workers very differently than you talk to your boss.3.Empathy for the RecipientEmpathy involves putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. Effective communicators always see the situation from the perspective of the other person, including the emotions that might be involved with the message.4.Effective ListeningCommunication isn’t all about talking to someone. Effective listening means really hearing what the o ther person is saying as well. Paraphrasing the message and repeating it back to the individual will let you know you understood their point accurately. It also shows that you care enough about their message to get it right the first time. 5.Asking for Clarification, when NecessaryEffective communicators aren’t afraid to ask for clarification if they don’t understand the message they are receiving. When you ask for clearer understanding, it shows that you really care what the person is talking about and ensures the conversation proceeds appropriately. Clarification can come from paraphrasing what you heard the other person say or simply asking him to relay his message in a different way that is easier for you to understand.6.Adherence to the FactsEffective communicators are much more interested in passing of facts than assumptions or gossip. Avoid the rumor mill at all costs, and unless you can verify your information through the original source, do not pass it on to o thers. If you are conveying a message from another person, it is also important to get that person’s permission to do so before passing the information onto others.7.Awareness of Body LanguageBody language makes up a large percentage of our messages, so effective communicators learn how to tune into the nonverbal message they are sending. Make eye contact with the person you are talking to as much as possible, particularly when that person is speaking to you. Avoid potentially offensive body language like fidgeting, biting your lip or rolling your eyes that might convey boredom, cynicism or lack of honesty.8.Provision of Proper FeedbackWhen you offer feedback to another person, make sure it is constructive. Feedback is important to maintain a positive conversation and ensure you are both on the same page. Feedback might involve requests for clarifications, questions to expand a particular message, or constructive criticism about another’s performance. Pepper potential criticism with plenty of positive feedback so the recipient is more likely to hear your message and take it to heart.9.Inclusion of Praise, when AppropriateEffective communicators know how and when to offer praise. Positive feedback is always welcome, as long as the recipient knows it is authentic. When you praise another person, be specific in your compliment by linking it directly to a specific activity or attribute. Praise someone publically whenever you can, and make sure the praise coming out of your mouth is genuine. When you must convey negative information or criticism, try starting out with praise and ending with a positive statement. This â€Å"hamburger† approach usually helps others take criticism in stride.10. Positive AttitudeNo one likes to listen to a complainer, so effective communicators work hard to keep their messages positive. Instead of using phrases like, â€Å"I can’t† or â€Å"We won’t† in your conversations, focus on what you can do for others. Even if you cannot grant a request the way someone hopes, keeping your message positive will allow the other person to accept your â€Å"no† with grace. Effective communicators are typically the successful people in life that others admire. If you would like to join this elite group, practice these tips to improve your own communication skills. The improvement in your professional and personal relationships will make the work on your communication worth the effort.The Types of Communication Skills1. Verbal Communication Verbal communication skills are very important and must be honed, particularly in a job in which employees deal with the public. Clear communication requires straightforward language that is neither too flowery or too simple. It is essential to be able to use the spoken word to get your point across simply. Higher levels of communication competencies deal with persuasive speaking and these skills are necessary for management level employ ees and those in marketing positions within a company. All employees can benefit from public speaking courses, which help develop these key communication skills.2. Non verbal CommunicationNonverbal communication is much more difficult for many people. It consists of body language and the cues that are given off while listening to someone else speak. Those in customer service positions need to have a highly developed competency level in listening. Nodding of the head, inclining towards the speaker and showing an open body (shoulders back, arms uncrossed) let a speaker know that you are listening and hearing what they have to say.3. Oral communicationOral communication, while primarily referring to spoken verbal communication, can also employ visual aids and non-verbal elements to support the conveyance of meaning. Oral communication includes speeches, presentations, discussions, and aspects of interpersonal communication. As a type of face-to-face communication, body language and cho ice tonality play a significant role, and may have a greater impact upon the listener than informational content. This type of communication also garners immediate feedback.4. Written CommunicationOne often overlooked area of communication is the written word. Even the most basic position in a company requires employees to have good written communication skills. Proper spelling, grammar usage and a professional way of imparting information are important competencies that must be mastered. Written communication that is poorly worded, misspelled or full of errors detracts from the overall message that is being imparted. This is even more  vital when dealing with the public through written communication. People judge others by the way they write and it is important to make sure that written communication is professional.5. Business communicationA business can flourish only when all objectives of the organization are achieved effectively. For efficiency in an organization, all the peo ple of the organization must be able to convey their message properlyBarriers to Communication1.Language Barriers Clearly, language and linguistic ability may act as a barrier to communication. However, even when communicating in the same language, the terminology used in a message may act as a barrier if it is not fully understood by the receiver(s). For example, a message that includes a lot of specialist jargon and abbreviations will not be understood by a receiver who is not familiar with the terminology used. Regional colloquialisms and expressions may be misinterpreted or even considered offensive. See our page: Effective Speaking for more information.2.Psychological BarriersThe psychological state of the receiver will influence how the message is received. For example, if someone has personal worries and is stressed, they may be preoccupied by personal concerns and not as receptive to the message as if they were not stressed. Stress management is an important personal skill t hat affects our interpersonal relationships. See our pages Stress: Symptoms and Triggers and Avoiding Stress for more information.Anger is another example of a psychological barrier to communication, when we are angry it is easy to say things that we may later regret and also to misinterpret what others are saying. See our pages: What is Anger?, Anger Management and Anger Management Therapy for more information. More generally people with low self-esteem may be less assertive and therefore may not feel comfortable communicating – they may feel shy about saying how they really feel or read negative sub-texts into messages they hear. Visit our pages on Improving Self-Esteem and Assertiveness for more information.3.Physiological BarriersPhysiological barriers may result from the receiver’s physical state: for example, a receiver with reduced hearing may not grasp to entirety of a spoken conversation especially if there is significant background noise.4.Physical BarriersAn example of a physical barrier to communication is geographic distance between the sender and receiver(s). Communication is generally easier over shorter distances as more communication channels are available and less technology is required. Although modern technology often serves to reduce the impact of physical barriers, the advantages and disadvantages of each communication channel should be understood so that an appropriate channel can be used to overcome the physical barriers.5.Systematic BarriersSystematic barriers to communication may exist in structures and organisations where there are inefficient or inappropriate information systems and communication channels, or where there is a lack of understanding of the roles and responsibilities for communication. In such organisations, individuals may be unclear of their role in the communication process and therefore not know what is expected of them.6.Attitudinal BarriersAttitudinal barriers are behaviours or perceptions that prev ent people from communicating effectively. Attitudinal barriers to communication may result from personality conflicts, poor management, resistance to change or a lack of motivation. Effective receivers of messages should attempt to overcome their own attitudinal barriers to facilitate effective communication. Common Barriers to Effective Communication1.The use of jargon. Over-complicated, unfamiliar and/or technical terms. 2.Emotional barriers and taboos. Some people may find it difficult to express their emotions and some topics may be completely ‘off-limits' or taboo. 3.Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver. Barriers to 4.Differences in perception and viewpoint.  5.Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties. 6.Physical barriers to non-verbal communication. Not being able to see the non-verbal cues, gestures, posture and general body language can make communication less effective.7.Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents. 8.Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping. People often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to incorrect conclusions. 9.Cultural differences The norms of social interaction vary greatly in different cultures, as do the way in which emotions are expressed. For example, the concept of personal space varies between cultures and between different social settings.The Main Skills for Effective CommunicationFollowing are the main skills one should have to master to become an effective communicator. Although acquiring all these skills and mastering them to the same level seems to be challenging, knowing all these skills and slowly working on them will take you to the level you want to be in communication.1.Staying FocusedWhen you deal with a current crisis or an argument, relating something from the past is quite natural. When this happens, most of the times, the disc ussion goes out of topic and the situation can become quite complicated. Staying focused is one of the best skills not only for communicating under pressure, but for all types of communications ranging from lunch chitchats to board discussions. If you go out of focus, there is a high chance that the end result of the communication may not be effective.2.Listening CarefullyAlthough people think that they are listing when another person talks, actually they are spending time planning what to say next. This is what we actually do! Therefore, you need to make an extra effort in order to listen to what the other person says and then come up with what you want to say. If you are not sure what you've heard, repeat it and ask for their confirmation.3.Understanding Others' Point of ViewsIn most of the communications, we want ourselves heard and understood. We talk a lot on our point of view and try to get the buying of who are listening. Remember, others also do the same! If you want them to hear you, you need to hear them and understand their point of view too. If you can really see through their point of view, you can actually explain yours in a clear and applicable way.4.Empathy When CriticizingSometimes, we become really defensive when someone criticizes us. Since criticism has close ties with emotions, we can be easily erupted. But, in communication, it is really important to listen to the other person's pain and difficulties and respond with empathy. At the same time, try to extract the facts and the truth in what they say, it can be useful for you.5.Taking OwnershipTaking personal responsibility is strength. When it comes to effective communication, admitting what you did wrong is respected and required. Most of the times, there are many people, who share responsibility in a conflict. In such cases, admit what is yours. This behaviour shows maturity and sets an example. Your behaviour most probably will inspire others to take responsibility for their share.6.Com promise if NecessaryWe love to win arguments all the time, but how often have you felt empty inside after winning an argument? Sometimes, winning an argument does not make sense. You may win the argument but might lose the corporation of other people. Communication is not about winning, it's about getting things done. For the objective of getting things done, you may have to compromise in the process. If it is necessary, please do!7.Take a Time-Out if NecessarySometimes, you need to take a break in the middle of the discussion. If the communication is intensive, there can be ineffective communication pattern surfaced. Once you notice such patterns, you need to take a break and then continue. When you continue after the break, all the parties involved in the discussion will be able to constructively contribute for the discussion.8.Compete for Your ObjectiveAlthough there can be a lot of obstacles on your way, do not give up what you are fighting for. Surely you may have to compromise , but clearly stand for what you believe in. When it comes to communication, all the parties involved should satisfy with the outcome of it. Ask for Help Sometimes, you might have difficulties to communicate certain things to certain parties. This could be due to an issue related to respect or something else. In such cases, seek help from others. Your manager will be one of the best persons to help you with.ConclusionThus, effective communication helps us better understand a person or situation and enables us to resolve differences, build trust and respect, and create environments where creative ideas, problem solving, affection, and caring can flourish. As simple as communication seems, much of what we try to communicate to others—and what others try to communicate to us—gets misunderstood, which can cause conflict and frustration in personal and professional relationships. By learning these effective communication skills, you can better connect with your spouse, kids , friends, and coworkers.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ethics Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethics Assignment - Essay Example The major similarity between these associations is that they uphold the value of safety, competence, faithfulness, integrity, responsibility and honorably. Both the codes of conduct require engineers to be concerned about the public safety, welfare and health. Therefore, they should make decisions that do not harm the public whatsoever. Besides, they should act as competent professionals who only conduct services in which they were educated. Moreover, they should be honest people who do not engage in any deceptive act, but to be truthful to their employers and trustees so as to avoid any conflict of interest. Lastly, these codes of ethics require engineers to be honorable, lawful and responsible professionals who conduct themselves honorably to gain reputation and respect from the society. However, the only difference between these codes of ethics is that ASCE provides a close that advocate for career growth and development. Members of the ASCE are encouraged to continue with education and develop their careers. This can help in adding value to themselves and making them much better each day. So, these are the positions held by the codes of ethics of these engineering associations. Since hey are meant for the benefit of professionals and the general public, they need to be strictly adhered to without any unnecessary

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Compare and contrast Meyer and Stowers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compare and contrast Meyer and Stowers - Essay Example In the essay, the worm at the Core of the Apple, there is a provision of an excellent concise statement and defense of the majority position. According to Stowers, gentiles and Jews play different essential roles in the constitution of ethnicity. He states in Paul’s world that it is difficult to distinguish between ethnicity from religion. This is because they are not ethnic groups but a constitution of Paul’s most central religious distinctions. According to him, Gentiles are ethnic-religious other of the Jews just as the Barbarian is ethnic-religious other of Greeks. However, Wayne Meeks describes the gentiles as a non-Jewish group of people who have the opportunity of getting preaching from Paul.According to him, there are many controversies as to why Paul is preaching to Non-Jews. This proves that Wayne does not view the Gentiles as a constituent group of the Jews, a different perspective from the one of Stowers. In all the texts, the writers have proven that there were differences among the communities in the time of Paul reaching. It is elaborated that the gentiles were viewed as a lesser group when compared to the Jews, but Paul used his preaching techniques to show that they were equal. Although the Jews have an expectation that Paul is supposed to administer to them, they are disappointed because his mission is to all people including the gentiles.According to Romans 5:12-20, Paul explains that one man’s actions can bring significant effects to many others.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and stress Research Paper

Relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and stress - Research Paper Example It is known that the specific alterations in the body caused from stress directly impact the brain and the nervous system, which links to the gastrointestinal system and causes complexities with the digestive system. The examination of whether stress causes IBS and to which extent can then lead to more holistic methods of helping individuals that are suffering from IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS, is one of the most common non – infectious gastrointestinal disorders (Pelissier, Danzter, Canini, 2010, 653). The problems associated with this create cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea, all which can create abnormalities in the system (Mayer et al, 2001, p 280). The complexities of IBS are not only associated with the physical discomfort and abnormalities that are in the system. There are also difficulties that are related to the stress levels which individuals carry, all which are directly associated with IBS. It is known that different types of stress affect the triggering effects and the way in which IBS functions. Stress factors include physiological, psychological and physical stressors that occur. These are also associated with emotional motor systems, including automatic, neuroendocrine, attentional and pain modulatory responses (Mayer et al, 2001, p 280). Examining the ways in which IBS links to stress as well as how it is affected with different circuits can then create a deeper understanding of how to treat the main causes associated with IBS and stress. The conditions that are associated with IBS create various levels of reactions among those suffering from the disorder. Understanding how these conditions affect the human body as well as what is associated with the main complexities can provide insight into how this changes the rest of the system. The system and the gastrointestinal area of the body are connected to various systems in the body, which triggers IBS. The conditions and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Impact of implementing CRM systems in establishing customer loyalty Research Proposal

Impact of implementing CRM systems in establishing customer loyalty - Research Proposal Example The intention of this study is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as the efficient communication between customers and a company at every contact point. Whether this communication is done by phone, website or e-mail, the important thing is that the customer counts on getting an experience from doing business with the company. CRM systems are there to ensure a good customer experience. It is a vast system of information on a database of customers and their buying habits, e-mail address, residential address, personal information such as birthday and so on. This information is then retrievable by any department that needs it to better the company. Customer Relationship Management is a new innovation in customer service today. CRM helps the customer service staff and management to cope with customer issues and concerns. CRM entails gathering a great deal of data about the customer. The data is then used in facilitating customer service transactions by availing the information needed to resolve the concern or issue to those dealing with the customers. In the end there are more satisfied customers, more resources available to the support staff and a more profitable business. Top management can use CRM systems in making adjustments to one of the products sold or deciding whether one of the products on the shelves will be scrapped altogether. CRM systems generate reports that are also invaluable to the company’s marketing and advertising planners, as they will be able to identify which ideas work and which do not.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Assignment 2 - Essay Example A very good example for this is how manufacturers design the specification of the newer models that are launched in the market. Another result of the global recession is the overwhelming increase of prices of materials used for production in the automobile manufacturing industry. Because of this, production cost for automobiles went up, which resulted to higher capital cost for automobiles. Consumers are not in the mood or rather refraining in engaging in big-ticket purchases, which resulted to low generation of revenue through sales (Crescenzi 2008 p.193). Major automobile manufacturers are now focusing and concentrating in the features and benefits of each model. Since automobile sales have been decreasing drastically over the past year, this proves that the market has lost its capability to buy. And if they could, they become more cautious and concerned about the automobile’s features and the benefits they can get from the automobile. Considering that transportation is one of the most important aspects in everyday life, not only with businesses but households as well, the automobile industry has taken advantage of this aspect to generate demand of supply in the market. This is one strategy to somehow level the ratio of market demand against production and automobile sales. The global recession’s effect in businesses and households is mainly on the income and revenue side. Since prices of petroleum products drastically went high numerous times in the world market these past few months, the need of maximizing revenue and funds against businesses and household expenditures for transportation and automobile maintenance was addressed by upgrading and innovating new automobile features. Engines that are low in maintenance and low fuel consumption had been a recent addition to the newer models that was launched in the market. Non-price competition is a form of traditional automobile market competition that was further inspired by the decrease of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

International Sales Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

International Sales - Term Paper Example The study would focus upon the gaming console industry as the product to be marketed and sold in the Indian consumer market. The choice of nation assumes significance considering the fact that it s considered among the fastest growing economies of the world with a large number of potential consumers. The future chapters would be devoted towards creating a framework for the market entry strategy of the firm in the Indian consumer market. Market Analysis India represents one of the fastest growing consumer markets in the twenty first century. A research conducted by the global consultancy states that the size of the Indian consumer market is like to expand by approximately four times its present value and is likely to be the fifth biggest consumer market by the year 2025. The majority (approximately 68 percent) of this growth would take place in the urban areas. A research report conducted by Nielsen places the nation in the first slot in a survey conducted on consumer confidence. It i s perhaps for this reason that the nation is witnessing increased private equity participation as well as mergers and acquisitions (IBEF, 2010). The growth of the consumer markets can also be related to the burgeoning economy of the nation. India is presently accredited as one of the fastest growing economies with high growth rates. An increased investment has enhanced the consumption levels of in the citizens of the nations as they have reported higher levels of disposable income. This has led to an increase in the demand for goods and services which reflects large scale opportunities for organizations especially those operating from the Western world. New locations are important for these organizations as the present and traditional markets of Europe and North... The essay "International Sales" provides an empirical analysis of the aspect of international expansion and is devoted towards creating a framework for the market entry strategy of the firm in the Indian consumer market. India represents one of the fastest growing consumer markets in the twenty-first century. A research conducted by the global consultancy states that the size of the Indian consumer market is like to expand by approximately four times its present value and is likely to be the fifth-biggest consumer market by the year 2025. The majority of this growth would take place in the urban areas. A research report conducted by Nielsen places the nation in the first slot in a survey conducted upon consumer confidence. It is perhaps for this reason that the nation is witnessing increased private equity participation as well as mergers and acquisitions. The growth of the consumer markets can also be related to the burgeoning economy of the nation. India is presently accredited as one of the fastest growing economies with high growth rates. An increased investment has enhanced the consumption levels of in the citizens of the nations as they have reported higher levels of disposable income. This has led to an increase in the demand for goods and services which reflect large-scale opportunities for organizations especially those operating from the Western world. New locations are important for these organizations as the present and traditional markets of Europe and North America have been saturated.

Western civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Western civilization - Essay Example This period has been marked by the changing way of life of the people. It was marked by changes in different spheres of life of the people. In particular there was marked rise of industrial systems, education, urbanization and other aspect of life of the western world. Among the things that marked the rise of western civilization was the rise in sovereignty of the nations. In this regard there was increased fall of empires and the rise of nations. The Western Roman Empire which ruled the modern states of Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and England for centuries had collapsed as a result of combination of a number of factors. One of such factors was economic decline which had an impact on the decline of the military spending leading to reduced military strength. The empires were based on the military strength and therefore the fall of military might led to invasion by other tribes. The fall of the Western Roman Empire in its military strength led to the invasion by the barbarian tribes which were coming from Scandinavia and other states like Germany. They invaded the Western Roman Empire and led to its eventual fall. This had an effect on other factors like racial, religious, and the political life of these empires. Increased warfare with the invading tribes and economic crisis could have contributed in a great way to the fall. (Hobsbawm, 1992) Therefore with the fall of the empires there was increased rise of the modern sovereign states. The fall of the empire led to the defragmentation to individual states which were sovereign with internal government. The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to the formation of the modern day states of France, Spain, Portugal, England and Italy. Owing to the factors that led to the fall of the empire such as racial, religious and political division, the emerging states were grouped in some aspects of community. It has been shown that racial and ethnic factors were the main leading

Friday, August 23, 2019

Risk Management & Responsibilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risk Management & Responsibilities - Essay Example This is because there are genuine uncertainties in both physical and social systems. Nuclear scientist is obliged to (1) take extreme care about current projects and possible impact of their outcomes on environment. It is important to (2) produce "maps" of danger, deprivation, disease and despair, so that the social justice aspects of all this are formally taken into account long-range sitting plans take these maps into account and explicitly incorporate risk-avoidance measures. (3) Precaution presents a case for science type structure of interdisciplinary science, upon government, more complete communication, and dialogues between judgment of possible outcomes and cost-effectiveness calculations of various courses of action. In this case responsibilities mean more than simply passing moral judgment about what should and should not be done in a particular situation. Risk management is part of the (4) conscious decisions nuclear scientists make about the directions and consequences of the decisions. It is a link between morality, responsibility, and risk assessment. In this situation, the staff should work together taking into account threats and consequences of their studies for the humanity (Doherty, 2000). For a nuclear scientist, risk management requires (5) flexible technologies arranged with diversity. It is possible to consider its lead time, unit size, capital intensity and need for infrastructure; and, if it threatens to be highly inflexible, then decision-makers should consider ways in which flexibility might be enhanced, through shortening the lead time, or reducing the scale, capital intensity, or need for infrastructure. This is a central aspect of any satisfactory account of risk management for nuclear scientist. (1) Job security is one of the main responsibilities of engineers which deal with research process and design. Their responsibilities are (2) to design the projects according to safety measures and regulations accepted by the entire organization. This would also permit greater use of (3) mediation techniques and mechanisms in risk management. Ensuring best value and managing risk are two fundamental issues involved in the delivery of engineering projects. Responsibilities of an engineer involve project safety, design and resources allocation. Precaution is essentially about extending engineering projects to the public realm, about re-ordering victim powerlessness in favor of new mechanisms of victim avoidance, and of guaranteeing buffers of protected "ecological space" or "safety" to avoid going too close to unknowable. Because precaution places the burden of proof on the risk creator to show no unreasonable harm and to build in guarantees of compensation in case of honest misjudgmen t, so precaution favors the would-be victims rather than the beneficiaries of risk-related decisions (Doherty, 2000). In the world of global environmental change, the full influence of precaution would be socially approved. The lack of effective communication of risk between engineers and non-technical clients and between engineers and the general public is a major problem. No matter what approach is adopted to problem-solving (4) it is necessary to construct models, whether formal or informal. There are different attributes of models that are worth exploring; function, grounding, form, specification, applicability and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mary Shellys Frankenstein Essay Example for Free

Mary Shellys Frankenstein Essay In Chapter 5, Frankenstein brings the monster to life. Shelly uses a typical gothic method of mimicking Frankensteins disgust for the creature with weather, the dreary night of November. Frankenstein is appalled at his creation despite that the monsters limbs were in proportion and he had selected his features as beautiful. Frankenstein then describes the creature in such a way that the reader learns that although Frankenstein attempted to create beauty but is faced with the disgusting looks of the creature. his hair was of lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips. Shelly uses an ironic contrast of life and death in describing the monster, using elements like yellow skin which is relevant to a new born baby with jaundice and straight black lips, which is relevant to a dead body. She also uses descriptions like shrivelled complexion which is relevant to both a baby and a corpse. The creature also reacts to life as a new born baby does. It breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs. This contrast is effective in showing the reader the irony in the fact that new life is given to parts of the dead. Shelly effectively describes the creature with enough detail to allow the reader to interpret the creatures appearance individually and also empathise with Frankenstein. Frankenstein has been disillusioned whilst creating the monster, but when it becomes alive, he is faced with its ugliness and abandons him. This is not an example of unconditional love and links in with Elizabeths arrival into the Frankenstein family. Oh! No mortal could support the horror of that countenance. A mummy again endued with animation could not be more hideous as that wretch. The memory of the shock of the monsters looks is very powerful to Frankenstein and Shelly portrays this by using words like Oh! when Frankenstein is telling Walton his story. Frankenstein has a dream after creating his monster in which, as he kisses Elizabeth, she turns into the corpse of his dead mother. I embraced her, but as I imprinted the first kiss on her lips, they became livid with the hue of death. I thought I held the corpse of my dead mother. This dream shows that Frankenstein has subconscious fears of harm coming to his family, which does actually happen later on in the novel. The dream is an effective example of foreshadowing, another typical gothic technique effectively used by Shelly. The reader could also interpret that the dream foreshadows Frankensteins fears of creating the monster a wife. It presents the idea that although Frankenstein first thinks that building a companion for the monster will keep his family safe, the consequences could be much worse if he does as it is possible that the creatures will breed. The monster is not reunited with its creator until several months later, where he tells Frankenstein of the hardships of life he has endured as an abandoned and disfigured child. Father and son meet in the mountains; this location could be interpreted as an effort by Shelley to use the mountains symbolically, showing Frankensteins guilt for abandoning his child or as the towering glaciers threatening Frankenstein; telling him that nature is not to be toyed with by man. The creature learns that humans should have families by reading a book that he finds whilst living near the French family he grows to love. He meets a blind man from the family who treats him with kindness, but when the rest of the family see him, they drive him from their cottage with stones. This teaches the monster that people hate him for his ugliness and therefore develops a hatred for his creator for making him so ugly. Upon meeting Frankenstein, the creature makes a direct relationship between the bad parenting and upbringing he endures with his own desire to harm others when he claims misery made me a fiend. Shelley uses this line as a blatant point that bad parenting will result in evil.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Case Study: Bipolar 1 Disorder

Case Study: Bipolar 1 Disorder This case study provides a brief profile of a client referred to as B, followed by an initial diagnosis of B according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR). A discussion of the diagnostic criteria, as applicable to Bs profile is provided and the incidence, course, and outcome of the disorder presented. Bs Profile Bs full profile is presented in appendix 1, but a brief outline of his primary symptoms follows. B is a 40-year old male from a wealthy background. He has a very close relationship with his mother, who struggles with depression. His father has no mental illness and denies that his son does. However, B describes severe episodes of mania, where he becomes involved in impulsive and excessive behaviours such as spending large sums of money or travelling to other countries. He also describes a manic thought pattern, characterised by an influx of ideas that he feels he must act upon. In contrast, B finds that once these episodes disperse he is left with feelings of depression, low self-esteem, and lack of energy. Initial Diagnosis Using DSM-IV-TR, an initial diagnosis for B can be found in the category of mood disorders. In particular, B meets the criteria for Bipolar Disorder, which can be divided into three types: Bipolar 1 Disorder is when the primary symptom is manic or rapid (daily) cycling episodes of mania and depression. Bipolar 2 Disorder is when the primary symptom is depression accompanied by mild manic episodes that are not severe enough to cause marked impairment in functioning. Cyclothymic Disorder is when there is a chronic state of cycling between manic and depressive episodes that do not reach the diagnostic standard for Bipolar Disorder. According to this criteria, Bs diagnosis is that the Bipolar 1 Disorder, whereby manic episodes are characterised by a period of abnormally and persistently elevated mood lasting at least 1-week and where the following symptoms have persisted and been present to a significant degree: increased self-esteem and grandiosity; flight of ideas or subjective experiences and thoughts racing; increase in goal-directed activity socially and occupationally; and excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences. Such manic episodes are usually followed by the symptoms characteristic of a major depressive episode, which comprises depressed mood and a loss of interest and pleasure in activities that are usually enjoyed. These symptoms last for at least 2-weeks and cause clinically significant impairment in daily functioning. The following symptoms are also present: fatigue or loss of energy; feelings of worthlessness or guilt; and indecisiveness. B describes episodes of mania that are amazingly intoxicating and give him lots and lots of pleasure and lots of energy and ideas. This energy and abundance of ideas is transferred into Bs work, in part accounting for his professional success, which in turn provides the wealth that supports his manic episodes. For example, B states that During my worse manic periods I have flown from Zurich to the Bahamas and back to Zurich in 3 days to balance the hot and cold weather carrying  £20,000 worth of $100 notes in my shoes. He also describes an array of excessive behaviours likely to have negative consequences, including a  £25,000 shopping spree and a 4 day drug-binge. B further describes the fluctuating intensity of the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, which comes in different strengths and sizes, expressing that most days I need to be as manic as possible to come as close as I can to destruction, to get a real good high. There is, however, the inevitable crash. This is when B experiences symptoms of depressive episodes when My mind grinds to a halt; I lost all interest in friends, work, eating, drinking, bathing, everything. This is accompanied by a deflation in his self-esteem, accompanied by feelings of inadequacy. Causes of Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder is highly genetic. Indeed, Bs mother has depression and his maternal uncle is described as being highly creative and eccentric. In one study assessing the genetic and environmental contributions to the development of Bipolar Disorder, first-degree relatives of people with Bipolar Disorder (n=40à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹â€ 487) were at significantly increased risk of developing the disorder (Lichtenstein et al., 2009). Heritability has been estimated to range from 59-80%, the higher percentage being obtained from studies of genetic twins (Kieseppa et al., 2004; Lichtenstein et al., 2009). Despite the strong genetic aspect of Bipolar Disorder, the evidence shows that life events, coping skills, and family environment also contribute to symptoms. Bipolar Disorder is not only exacerbated by negative life events, but can also cause them. Indeed, B describes how his cycling moods affect my work and personal relationships and everything around me. His father, who denies that his son has any problems does refer to youthful scrapes that B found himself in during his early teens; signs of Bipolar Disorder often manifest in the adolescent years or early adulthood (Akiskal et al., 2000). Bs fathers denial of his sons diagnosis, which he explains as being high spirits and letting off steam as opposed to any abnormality, raises the question as to how abnormal behaviour is defined when making a diagnosis. The general consensus is that abnormal behaviour deviates from some norm and harms the affected individual or others. This could be a statistical deviation or a deviation from an ideal mental health, as highlighted within conceptual definitions of abnormal behaviour (Sue, Sue Sue, 2006). In terms of statistical deviation, B does present with abnormal behaviour as Bipolar Disorder has a lifetime prevalence of approximately 1.3% in adults, as indicated by worldwide epidemiological studies (Maj et al, 2002; Kleinman et al., 2003). Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Treatment is usually a combination of psychological input and pharmacotherapy, with the aim being to reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of manic and depressive episodes. In some instances, hospitalisation with intensive pharmacological treatment is required to stabilise a person with Bipolar Disorder. Treatments are also often aimed at treating co-morbidities, which are frequently found in people with Bipolar Disorder, where excess behaviours such as binge eating, drinking or drug taking can lead to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and drug addiction (Morriss Mohammed, 2005; Strudsholm et al., 2005). In one study, 81% of people with Bipolar Disorder also had co-morbidity (Fenn et al., 2005). Psychological treatments with empirical evidence supporting their efficacy include interpersonal social rhythm therapy (IPSRT; Frank, 2005), family-focused therapy (Miklowitz et al., 2003), and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), all of which encourage the use of medication alongside the psychological treatment (Mansell et al., 2007). IPSRT focuses on training people with Bipolar Disorder to regulate disruptive sleep patterns, which can cause more frequent mood cycling. It also targets issues around daily routines, stress, and interpersonal relationships. CBT, on the other hand, targets the cognitive issues associated with cycling moods, such as over-optimism, feelings of grandiosity, and goal-oriented thinking, all of which can contribute to risky behaviours. Family-focused therapy provides a combination of psycho-education, where the main goal is to teach people with Bipolar Disorder and their families about the nature of the illness and how family dynamics can help or hinder life with Bipolar Disorder. This might be particular relevance to Bs situation since his father remains in denial of his condition and his mother also struggles with depression and has done for a number of years. First line medication is usually lithium, anticonvulsants, or atypical antipsychotics, but it has been found that some people benefit from thyroid augmentation, clozapine, calcium channel blockers, and electroconvulsive therapy (Gitlin, 2006). Some female patients may benefit from hormonal treatments for mania or hypomania, such as tamoxifen or medroxyprogesterone acetate (Kulkarni et al., 2006). The combination of psychological treatment and medication is designed to treat the specific episode of mania or depression, but the objective also needs to be to produce a treatment plan that assists in managing the condition long-term. Conclusions In conclusion, B has been diagnosed with Bipolar 1 Disorder, as indicated by the DSM-IV-TR. In Bs case the condition is likely to be caused from both genetic factors and environmental circumstances, since depression and eccentricity have been reported in his family and his successful career and subsequent wealth provide opportunities that exacerbate the excessive nature of manic episodes. The most efficacious approach to treating B is likely to comprise both psychological and pharmacological approaches. In particular, B is likely to benefit from family-focused therapy that might address his mothers depression and his fathers denial of his diagnosis. Cognitive-behavioural therapy is also likely to provide B with coping tools for when his cognitions are influenced by manic or depressive episodes. It would also be wise to assess for any co-morbidities that need treating as B does refer to drug binges and excess eating and drinking during manic phases. The overall aim of treatment needs to be to provide the foundations for long-term adjustment to living with and managing the condition. Should Children Be Taught Sex Education? Should Children Be Taught Sex Education? Introduction: Sex relationship education (SRE) in schools which often is seen as inappropriate by parents to teach children at a very young age whereas some may agree to the idea of teaching sex education to children at a young age. Some part of the world it seemed to be appropriate. Sex in general is taboo in western society (Alldred, 2016) and a topic not talk about to children even though it is a beneficial topic which have both positive and negative impact on a child`s developing this is why some parents do not want their children to be taught in school at a young age. (ibid) In some places children are not being taught sex education and in more places than ever before including music videos and social media is playing a big part. Children who were taught at a very young are more aware of birth control and how to protect themselves from any harm of disease. This following assignment will explore on the history of sex education, children`s rights to sex education as well as the positive and neg ative impact on whether sex education is taught in schools from young age and onwards. History From the parents perspective, sex education should not be taught in schools this often involved protecting children from the knowledge of sex even throughout history the idea of children being innocent and vulnerable is not new and this dates back to the period of the 7th century onwards. During this time according to Rousseau (Marshall, 1994) all children were born naturally good and innocent with the need to be protected. This is because of the construction of childhood as we still tend to protect our children from the knowledge of sex people used to have a negative message a child who knows anything about se is not innocent he or she is more likely to be corrupt or wicked. (Cited in the British Library, 2016) This was further supported by Robinson, 2013 that a child seeming to have a good understanding about sexuality is seen as non-innocent or even a corrupted child. Positives People often misunderstand the word sex education wrong, it does not necessarily mean sexual intercourse. In fact, sexuality is more about self-image, developing your own identity, gender and learning about your choices and boundaries limitation as well as to protecting yourself from any harm. (Collective Evolution, 2016. While protecting our children can have both positive as well as negative site throughout their life however their health and well-being are at forefront. Therefore children who were taught at a young age are aware of birth control and are less likely to avoid teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections then those who were taught at later age are more vulnerable to pregnancy and only a two-fifths are aware of birth control (Marsiglio and Mott, 1986). Not always has sex education be harmful to the child`s development, as a research has shown according to NSPCC, 2016 one of ways to prevent all these negative impact is to start talking to your child at a very young age even in the house. By starting talking while they are still in primary school this will also develop their understanding of sex as well as encourage to ask question. Not only does sex education gives children a better understanding and knowledge about it as well as where babies come from but also helps them to protect themselves from any harm (Roleff, 1999). Current law and law in general Sex and relationship education is currently compulsory in United Kingdom from age 11 onwards. It includes teaching children about sexuality and sexual health as well as reproduction. It does not involves early sexual activity (DFEE 2000). But only few parts are compulsory which covers the national curriculum for science, parents have the option to withdraw their children from some parts or if they wish all parts of the sex and relationship education if they wish. To make sure the parents understand that the choice to withdraw their children from that lesson, all school must provide a written policy on sex education which should be access able to all parents for free (ibid). Which is also stated in the Education Act 1996 in section 405 and yet sex education is seen as something bad but the current law in the UK which allowed to have sexual intercourse at the age of 16 years to protect the children to have sex under the age of 16 years old. Any type of sexual connection under the age of 13 years is prohibited to have any sort of sexual activity. This way the current law is protecting the children from any abuse and it is important for a child to understand how to protect themselves and have the right to say no (NSPCC, 2016). The current situation in the United Kingdom is children still dont have the right to sex education, schools have to cover the biology part human body and parents have the right to withdraw their children from that on lesson (DFEE 2000) additionally, children do not get the opportunity to get sex education lesson at home and if they do it is not same as the school.The reason behind is that majority of the parents and educator find this topic difficult to teach children (Welsh, 2001) these difficulties simply leads back to the history as well as the culture as it always has been a taboo topic and that is why they are finding difficult and due to the society we are living is playing a big part too (Robinson, 2013). Negative impact Most parents do not think sex education should be taught to children in school from a young age. Parents are also against the limitation of sex knowledge regarding their child due concern that it could lead to explorations into more details concerning sex, child being excited into learning about their sexuality too early, exploring beyond limit that could leading to graphics. (Roleff, 1999) reason behind this is that children who did not had sex education in school are more likely to be the one who are lack of knowledge as well as misunderstanding and unnecessary of fear. (ibid) Conclusion: Although sex education is seen as a negative topic even throughout the history as well as the culture view of point and the society we are living is playing a big part. But has both negative and positive impact on a child`s development. Research has shown that children that were taught sex education in school at a very young age are more aware of birth plan, teenage pregnancy as well as abuse. I personally agree with the Netherlands and other part of the European country that our children should have the right to sex education and encourage them to ask question for their understanding which is also a part of their development then those who did not had sex education are more likely to be the one who are vulnerable and luck of knowledge and skills which also can lead to low esteem and confident. As this education will prepare them to a mature adult life having knowledge about it and be able to protect yourself and not doing anything without your will. Even though parents often refuse to let their children be taught in school, schools are responsible to provide these kind of lesson for the children in school. Therefore I believe sex education should be taught in schools for many reason as mentioned for both positive and negative site. Reference list: Haydon, D. (2002) Childrens rights to sex and sexuality education in Frankin, B.  (2002) The handbook of childrens rights Jenks, C. (2003) Childhood. London,  Routledge DFEE (2000) Sex and Relationships Education Guidance (2016). Convention on the Rights of the Child. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2016]. Collective Evolution. (2016). In the Netherlands Sex Education Starts in Kindergarten: Heres What They Tell Them & Why. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Dec. 2016]. The British Library. (2016). Perceptions of childhood. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2016]. Marshall, J. (1994). John Locke. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Marsiglio, W. and Mott, F. (1986). The impact of sex education on sexual activity, contraceptive use and premarital pregnancy among American teenagers. 1st ed. Guttmacher Institute. NSPCC. (2016). Healthy sexual behaviour in children and young people. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Alldred, P. (2016). Get Real About Sex. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Dec. 2016]. Roleff, T. (1999). Sex education. 1st ed. San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press. Robinson, K.H. (2013), Innocence, Knowledge and the Construction of Childhood.  Abingdon: Routledge.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Courtly Love in The Canterbury Tales

Courtly Love in The Canterbury Tales In all periods, in all forms of literature, love has always found its place within the words of its authors. The ideas and meanings readers create about love can change drastically from one reading of a text to another. However, it is safe to say that when reading a tale of courtly love, the type of love is immediately recognizable thanks to the peculiar behaviour, desires, and extreme heartache of the characters. The experience of love the characters feel is put to an extreme that is unrecognizable to what we know as modern day love. Almost all of the Canterbury Tales contain love and lovers who act upon the conventions and standards of courtly love. Chaucer was greatly influenced by the courtly romance of his predecessors. In this paper I intend to give a brief history of courtly love and explore the influences of courtly love on Chaucer and how it is echoed within his Canterbury Tales. It is difficult to define courtly love when scholars such as C.S Lewis, D.W Robertson, E.Talbot Donaldson and Gaston Paris disagree with both the nature and origin of it. Alexander J. Denomy puts it nicely as he defines courtly love as a type of sensual love and what distinguishes it from other forms of sexual love, from mere passion, from so-called platonic love, from married love, is its purpose or motive, its formal object, namely, the lovers progress and growth in natural goodness, merit, and worth. Courtly love contains an important social component. In the poetry of the troubadours, social promotion is an important theme, particularly when it comes to love. William of Poitriers is the highest of nobility as he is the first troubadour. He proclaimed that love can transform a courtly man into a churl, and a churl into a courtly man. The troubadours find it very important that the woman whose love they seek must be of some nobility, at the same time, they claim that love, though u nrequited, makes them better, inspiring in them an emulation of the beloved through which they hope to become worthy of the elevated love for which they long (Manson 239-240). Courtly love is a highly ritualized practice. Generally, courtly love is practiced only between a woman and a man of noble status who are not married. Usually the characters would be a squire, or a knight and a woman with an aristocratic background. Courtly love is seen as ideal and above intercourse. True love was seen to only exist outside of marriages. Marriages had nothing to do with love as they were arranged more often than not. Having a wife was looked at the same way as owning another piece of property to a husband. The medieval teaching of marriage focused on Pagan and Christian views. The first purpose of marriage is to multiply the human race; the second purpose of marriage is to avoid fornication. Kelly states that other motives were admissible, too, especially the nobler ones of peace-making or the encouragement of love between in-laws, but also less noble ones of desire for the intendeds beauty or wealthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦mutual love between the spouses is notably absent fr om their lists (Kelly pg 247). In the common society of the medieval world there is ordinary love. Some of Chaucers tales are of ordinary love; these tales are called fabliaux. It is easy for one to spot fabliaux from a courtly love tale as the characters in fabliauxs react to lust; they react to love in its most non complex state, its natural state. All forms of love begin with lust, but to be able to master the art of courtly love, one must take themselves out of the simple state of lust and take it to a superior extremely sensual state of love; its power is elevated to a point of worship. In order to achieve this sense of love the man has to endure suffering for the love he seeks. After he goes through the suffering he is able to rise above the lust and begin to serve the women with courageous deeds and beautiful language. An example of one of Chaucers fabliauxs is The Millers Tale. This tale is lusty and vulgar yet the characters, although somewhat immoral, have more depth and personality than the characters in The Knights Tale. Above I have noted that marriage is not typically placed in with courtly love tradition, although in his book The Allegory of Love, C.S. Lewis states that adultery does have its place in courtly love. He suggests that a wife is no superior. As the wife of another, above all as the wife of a great lord, she may be queen of beauty and loveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦but as your own wife, for whom you have bargained with her father, she sinks at once from a lady to a mere woman (36-27). Chaucer plays upon this idea in The Millers Tale. It is a criticism of courtly tradition, it is similar to The Franklins Tale and The Merchants Tale in that it is about a young squire who cuckolds another mans wife and enters into an affair. Even though it is not traditional for courtly love to be associated w ith a married woman both The Franklins Tale and The Merchants tale use this idea of stealing a mans wife. Both of the young squires, Damian and Aurelius covet another mans wife, but of course only one commits adultery. On the other hand, The Knights Tale is not at all fabliaux and represents much of the courtly love tradition. Arcite and Palamon are both characters of noble status, and they are the best and ideal of their type. Chaucer does a wonderful job glorifying his characters to perfection, he makes certain that the reader knows how noble, courageous, and beautiful his characters are, that gretter was ther noon under the sonne (863). These characters embody the standards of courtly love; Arcite suffers extreme love pains for Emelye as he has his freedom but does not have access to her. Arcites anguish is so great because he cannot see Emelye that it physically changes him. Palamon can not even recognize him. It is made quiet clear that there has never been anyone to feel the pains of love as bad as what Arcite felt. Theseus even acknowledges the extremes of love-sickness when he asks who may been a fool but if he love? (1799). Palamon also suffers love pains for Emelye as although he can see her through bars, he will never be able to be with her, he will never be able to touch her. Both men suffer for her, and later in the tale both men perform courageous deeds when they decide to fight each other for the chance of being with Emelye. The language in The Knights Tale is quiet extreme and takes every event to a heightened level. Theseus builds a battlefield for the two knights to battle on and he refers to it as a noble theatre as it was / I dar wel seyen in this world ther nas (1885-1886). Thus further embodying the greatness of courtly love. Andreas Capellanus was surely an influence for Chaucer when it comes to courtly love. De Arte Honeste Amandi is essentially a hand book on how to love like a courtier written by Capellanus. Love is a certain inborn suffering derived from the sight of an excessive meditation upon the beauty of the opposite sex, which causes each one to wish above all things the embraces of the otherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Capellanus 40). First is the sexual desire, and then is the excessive meditation on the womens beauty which makes the lover rise above his lust to a realm of innocent passion that makes only the embrace of the love he seeks meaningful. Throughout Capellanuss hand book on how to love like a courtier are examples of problems in which lovers know no answers. One example of a situation is, if a lover dies, how long one must wait until she may seek a new love (Capellanus 49). The answer is two years. Chaucer uses this span of two years in The Franklins Tale, and it strikingly resembles that of wh ich is read in Capellanuss De Arte Honeste Amandi. In The Franklins Tale Arvergus is sent away for two years on duty. The squire Aurelius has loved Dorigen for two years, and he prays to the gods that the waters stay higher than the rocks for two years, and suffers love sickness for two years. As well, after two years of Dorigens husband beings away she considers having an affair. Another influence on Chaucers writing was Guillaume de Lorris Le Roman de la Rose. In this love affair the protagonist greatly suffers for his love. He shows all of the symptoms of love-sickness, as well he listens to the commands given to him by the god of Love. The commands become expected for the young knights in following works of courtly love. Many of Chaucers concepts in The Canterbury Tales derived from the courtly ideas in the Rose. An example of how the rose is interrelated with Chaucers work is how The Franklins Tale and The Knights Tale resemble it. In the poem a young man is wandering in a garden. He leans over and looks into a well of narcissus; this glance into the well causes him to fall in love with the first thing he sets his eyes upon. When they young lover sees a rose bud, cupid shoots an arrow at him; it enters though his eye and penetrates his heart. The young man removes the shaft from his eye but he will forever have the arrow head lodged into his heart. This i dea of love at first sight has held its own place in literature throughout centuries. Chaucer mirrors this representation of an arrow in the heart in The Franklins Tale and The Knights Tale. Aurelius suffers from love, although he appears fine on the outside a keen arrow stuck within his soul / A wound thats only surface-healed can be / A perilous thing, you know in surgery / unless the arrowhead be taken out (435-438). In The Knights Tale Palamon is struck by love through the eye, I have been hurt this moment through they eye, / Into my heart (42-43). In both cases the wounded lovers are inflicted of the gods love, and both will suffer for the one they love. The medieval period in English Literature spends a lot of time being concerned with love and lovers, surely more than any other period. Almost every one of The Canterbury Tales discusses love is some manifestation or another and almost all encounter lovers. Chaucer was neither an enemy nor a companion of courtly love. With him the concept remained unchallenged, serviceable for dealing with love elegantly and useless for dealing with it seriously (Eliason 15). He takes inspiration from authors before him and adds an element of courtly love into his own work that develops the idea with a new sense of creativity and intelligence.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Rebirth and a Death in Kate Chopin?s ?The Story of an Hour? :: essays research papers

Kernel’s and Satellites Kate Chopin’s story, â€Å"The Story of an Hour† is an ironic short story of a wife in the late 1800’s. The story is only a few pages long and in doing so Chopin writes a story filled with kernel’s (events that have important causal chronological coherence) with very few satellite’s (events not logically essential to the narrative action). There were no satellites that I could find while reading the text; I found every word written essential to the narrative, the progression and the conclusion of the story. Freytag’s Pyramid and Function’s Upon examining Freytag’s pyramid, I can see that the narrative does follow this diagrammatic representation of the story structure. From the inciting moment (Mrs. Mallard’s heart trouble, and Mr. Mallards â€Å"death†) to the climax (Mrs. Mallards becoming of a free independent person) to the catastrophe (Mrs. Mallard’s death) we can follow Freytag’s design. The most interesting element to the story, following Freytag’s pyramid, is the reversal; Chopin surprises us in Mrs. Mallard’s reaction to her husband’s death. The reversal is Mrs. Mallard’s joyful acceptance of his death, her realization of freedom; the narrative twists the story to the exact opposite of what the reader was expecting. The reversal of the readers expectation is a much more effective way for Chopin to express her message. The element in the reversal also has the role of a function (an act defined by its significance for the course of action in which it appears). A death would usually be thought of as a tragedy, but once we start to gain insight on Mrs. Mallard’s character we can see why she responds with the opposite reaction. Another function within the story is the â€Å"joy that kills† it makes sense in this story, but in most you would see an immense joy at Mr. Mallard’s return, these circumstances would not often see a wife dying from, what I assume is, a miserable shock. Acts and Happenings Once examining the story I found an interesting insight on Mrs. Mallard in terms of acts and happenings; the happenings (a change of state not brought about by an agent and manifested in the discourse in the act of happen) are events out of Mrs. Mallards control, and the acts (a change of state brought about by an agent) are Mrs. Mallards emotional realizations and her change of outlook on life and death rather than physical actions: Mr.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Telephone :: Free Essay Writer

The Telephone A number of inventors believed that voice and sounds might be carried over wires and all worked toward it but there was only one that ended up figuring it out. The first to achieve this everlasting success was a Scottish-born American inventor , Alexander Graham Bell, a teacher for the deaf in Boston, Massachusetts. Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was taught at the universities of Edinburgh and London. He moved to Canada in 1870 and to the United States in 1871. In the United States he began teaching deaf-mutes, publicizing the system called visible speech . His father, who was a Scottish teacher, developed visible speech, Alexander Melville Bell. Visible speech shows how the lips, tongue, and throat are used in the making of sound out of the mouth. In 1872 Bell opened a school to train teachers of the deaf in Boston. The school soon became part of Boston University, where Bell was assigned the professor of vocal physiology. He became a U.S. citizen in 1882. Since Bell was 18 years old, he was trying to come up with the idea of transmitting speech. In 1874, he figured out the basic parts of the telephone. The experiments with his assistant Thomas Watson finally was successful on March 10, 1876, when the first complete sentence was transmitted: â€Å"Watson, come here; I want you.† There were lots of different demonstrations showing the invention, but the most popular one was the one at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This was when the telephone was introduced to the world and led to the organization of the Bell Telephone Company in 1877. When the Bell Telephone Company finally got going the company strongly dheld its patents so it will exclude others from the telephone business. After these patents expired in 1893 and 1894, independent telephone companies started up in many cities and most small towns.

Grapes of Wrath Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Joad family is forced to move to California because of the Oklahoma Dust Bowl, which has made it impossible for them to earn a livelihood through farming. Drought and depression has made it impossible for farmers to grow a substantial amount to live on. As inflation rises and wages drop, a gigantic worker migration heads West in search of Jobs. They have seen notices asking for workers in the western part of the United States, and travel thinking that they will find gainful employment. However there is much to learn about the United States in its economic turmoil. During the depression, thousands of people looked for work, and were cheated every step of the way. The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, is the story about a family living during the days of the depression and what they did to survive. Many families were hurt by the depression, so Steinbeck wrote of a typical family with detail that makes you understand the pain and suffering people went through in the country’s darkest of times.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tom Joad, recently released from prison for a homicide, hitchhikes back home to his fathers farm which he hasn’t been to in 4 years. He tells the truck driver who gives him a ride that he got in a fight with a guy at a dance and when he tried to brandish a knife, Tom hit him on the head with a shovel. The truck driver lets him off at his father’s farm but he finds it abandoned. He does meet up with an old friend Jim Casy who used to be a preacher. So Tom and Jim head down to his uncle’s to locate his family. A day later he finds them all about to leave for California. Tom decides to accompany his family to California although it means breaking his parole. Packed tightly into a truck, they begin their journey down Route 66, little realizing that they are part of a huge migration into an unwelcoming region of the US. The Joads encounter friends along the road, but they also wander into adversity. They meet the Wilsons, who drive along with them to Arizona, and various other Oklahoma families.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This Journey is not easy though, there is much suffering to be dealt with. Tom’s grandfather dies of a stroke at the beginning of the trip. And his dogs that he bought along are run over. They constantly have car problems and they face more and more disrespec... ...cannot fight against the system that enslaves them, to desperate for food and shelter to think about their situation to any great extent. Steinbeck focuses on the sacrifices made by people for their children and friends, emphasizing the simplicity of their lives while demonstrating their desire for respect and recognition. They are forced into constant migration by large land-owning companies, and it is these same companies that prevent them from rising above poverty. During the Depression, the entire country was faced with growing poverty and unemployment, and the Joads are only one of many families forced to leave their homes. We look at the depression like it was a hard time for everyone. And at such a time, we should stand together and solve our problems. Systematically, society has performed its usual segregation of scapegoats, in this case the Okies, because they were poor and couldn’t get jobs. The people didn’t realize that there was plenty of opportunity because they were to caught up in their own finances to be able to look past the barriers and start looking for solutions. The depression was a very hard time, but for families like the Joads, it was harder.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Communication task

British sign language which is a specific sis language that is used in Britain, the use of megaton, which is a simplified verse n of the British sign language that is used for children or those with disabilities or the use of signs, symbols, pictures, writing and finger spelling which gives a person that I s unable to talk or hear an effective way to communicate with friends, family and career believe that interpersonal interactions are just as important as any other method of communication this is because the way interpersonal interactions are used ca determine many things within a conversation e. . If you have poor body langue age like crossed legs and playing with a pen it suggests that you are not paying attention n and you are not interested in what the other person is saying. Will now explain the e role of effective communication and interpersonal interactions within two scenarios. Scenario 1 Alfa will not leave his room after accusing other residents in a residential home for stealing his money before the career found this money in Alfa pocket.The care r would have to communicate with Alfa to help the situation as a one to one context to encourage Alfa to feel comfortable as he may not feel comfortable talking about the situate ion when other residents or careers are present because he may feel embarrassed. As Alfa is a welsh speaker a career that has the ability to speak welsh should b allocated to talk to Alfa to prevent any language barriers that may arise. This WI II be a formal conversation between professional and a person using the service.The career will have to use oral communication as it is the most effective WA y to gain an immediate response and to be able to show your emotion such as using b DOD language. Body language is an important nonverbal interpersonal interaction because it can show another person our emotions e. G. If you are moving around and lo king away lot it can suggest you are not interested in what they are saying and also it c an be altered to gain another trust and to ensure they feel comfortable.The career would have to speak in a respectful manner towards Alfa and adder sees his collect to be able to communicate effectively e. G. It is disrespectful to speak to your elders with slang unless you know them very well because it may offend them or they may simply not understand a youths slang such as ‘alright lad' they don't ACTA ally mean that they are talking to a male its a nickname for a friend or someone they anAlfa has a hearing problem so he wears a hearing aid which is a technological al aid to communication however even with the hearing aid the career should use a Simi plea lexis and speak clearly so that he can understand, the career should also be facing A If so that the career's voice is projected towards him more efficiently. The career would have to use nonverbal interpersonal interactions by shows Eng a positive posture which consists of not crossing your arms and legs. By showing g this positive posture the career is showing Alfa that they are interested in his though TTS and feelings of the situation.The career would also use reflective listening by asking g Alfa questions to empower him. Facial expressions are read when a face to face conversation is taking place so the career should ensure that they have a gyms atheistic and caring facial expression to encourage Alfa to talk about the way he feels, the e career should ensure that they do not have an angry or happy facial expression became use this might suggest to Alfa that the career is annoyed with him or finds the situation f noun which may encourage Alfa to feel uncomfortable and anxious.Following the meeting the career should use written communication to log t e situation down into a book such as an incident book, so that if needed to the information on is there permanently so it can be reviewed. The career could also use technological communication by Emailing or testing the main career to inform the m of the sis tuition that has occurred because tech analogical communication is the most effective way if you need to inform someone of something and do not need an immediate response Scenario 2 Rosier is a young women who is terminally ill, she informs the career that she re ally wants to leave hospital to go home.The career would have to communicate with Rossi e and Rookie's family within a group context, this will be because as Rosier deteriorate s her family would be held responsible to care for her as well as a district nurse. The career would have to use technological communication to contact a doctor or that can inform Rosier and her family of all the effects that can occur if Rosier is to g o home. Rosier would have to communicate with a professional to find out whether she can go home and if so what precautions should be taken.Different professionals would have to work together to try meet the needs f Rosier which is multidimensional working, this can include Rookie's caree r, a doctor an d a counselor working together to see if it is suitable for Rosier to go home. The career should empower Rosier by encouraging her to tell the career why s he wants to go home, the career could use silence while Rosier is talking because the pop e r Of silence is significant however at the same time the career should be using facial expressions and body movement to show that they are listening.The career c loud place her hand on Rookie's shoulder to communicate through touch, this shows that he career is understanding and is trying to comfort Rosier. 2 As Rosier has a different dialect to the career because she is from different r colon Rosier pronounces words differently and also uses different words and phrase s e. G. Rosier is originally from London and has the cockney accent, the cockney ace changes a lot of words e. . The English word hair they change to Barnett, the c are would have to listen attentively to ensure that she does not misunderstand what Or sis IS s aying. Rookie's counselor suggests that she could use arts and crafts to release her negative motions as arts and crafts are known as therapeutic activities which are often n used with children and adults that have mental health Illnesses to boost their moo d.As Rookie's condition deteriorates she may become unable to communicate effectively through oral communication so the career should teach her different signs and symbols to use to communicate, signs and symbols are very helpful for people that ca not communicate orally or people that simply do not want to because of a condition on such as selective mutatis, they can use these signs and symbols so that the people AR undo them can understand what they want to say or need.There are many different aspects to being able to communicate effectively and most of them are used in our everyday lives e. G. Communication forms such as text messaging are used all the time to connect with our friends and family. After explaining the role of e ffective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context it shows just how important effective communication is to be able e to be understood.Effective communication is important because without it patients wouldn't e able to receive the care that they need because of poor or no communication interpersonal interactions are also important so that the emotion behind ha t a person is saying is not misunderstood. 3 PA Discuss theories of communication will be discussing two theories of communication one as a that applies to a o en to one context and the other as a group context. Jean's theory assists in giving effective communication to patients, this once auroras the patient to trust the caregiver.Jean's theory (1986) consists of a technique called ‘SOLES and each letter h s a different step in order to communicate effectively. Jean's theory can only be used in a one to one context however it can be formal or informal. The ‘S' is for sitting at a comfortable distance and angle, the ‘O' is for open p suture, the ‘L' is for leaning,looking and listening the ‘E' is for effective eye contact and the ‘ R' is for remaining relatively relaxed.A situation that is suitable for this theory would be a General Practitioner TA King to their patient, this is suitable because it is a situation where the context is one to on e and it is formal. A GAP would use the ‘SOLES' technique from the moment their patient walks through the door, they should be sitting at the right angle which is head on to the patient and they should be sitting at a comfortable distance not too close and not too far away because e the patient may feel that they are not important if they are sat far away however they ma y feel intimidated if the GAP sits too close to them.They should sit with an open posture with their arms and legs uncrossed to prevent the patient from feeling that the GAP is uninterested. They shouldn't put anything I n between themselves and the patient e. . A table, a cup Of coffee/ tea because this may give the impression that they are putting a physical barrier in between a professional and a user of the service which can cause the patient to feel they do not want to have a connect ion with the GAP leading to the patient not telling the GAP what their problem is.When a GAP is talking to their patient they should lean forward every now an d then, they should look as if they are genuinely interested and listen attentively all these s tepees empower the patient which should encourage the patient that they can take control Oft e conversation supporting their confidence. A GAP should use effective eye contact when communicating to a patient to ensure the patient knows the GAP is listening to them which should be done by looking at the but not staring, however if the patient has a condition such as anxiety this may make them feel uncomfortable and anxious.The GAP should remain relaxed and talk w ith a calm and almost sympathetic voice throughout the session so that the patient does not become panicked however re if the patient becomes aggressive the GAP should talk in an assertive voice and try to diffuse he situation encouraging patient to calm down. Jean's theory would also be effective when a counselor is talking to their p tenant however it wouldn't be effective at a work meeting because this is within a group and Egg Nan's theory is for a one to one context. Barnyard's theory is used within groups and could be formal or informal. It works by noticing the dynamics within a group and preventing or encouraging them. Barnyard's theory could be used at a daycare centre because this is a group. In the group some children have been attending for a long time and some may be new, so the children that eve been there longer have had chance to bond and get to know each other whereas the newer children may not want to be there and may try to be destructive toward ads the discussion s or just too shy to bond with others.